Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Books That Just Stick With You

I'm sick today, so instead of coming up with something to write about, I'm gonna let you all do the work!  Brilliant, right?

So, if you could indulge me, please recommend me ONE must-read book that has stuck with you far after you've come to the last page and put the book down.

My choice at the moment would be THE HUNGER GAMES, by Suzanne Collins, here's an example of the kind of book I'm looking for, and a little insight into how this book gets into your mind and gives you a sense that what's going on in the story is so palpably real: I just finished the book and my parents are watching some special about this guy murdering people on the Appalachian trail. When they started describing to me what the guy was doing, a thought flashed in my mind that "that's not even close to as awful as what the people in the Capitol are doing to all the citizens in the Districts." Then I remembered it was just a book. 

Curious now? Yeah, go get it.  And tell me of a book that made you feel the same way.

(Look at that, I ended up writing something after all.)


Corey Schwartz said...

Ha! Great post. Great questions. Hmm, been a long time since a book has done that to me. A Thousand Splendid Suns had that effect on me (by the author of The Kite Runner), but I wouldn't recommend that to a guy.

Maybe Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett?

Tyler said...

That's interesting, Corey. Why wouldn't you recommend Splendid Suns to a guy? I always thought it was the sequel to Kite Runner, am I wrong? I have Kite Runner, and have been meaning to read it, but haven't gotten around to it.

And is Pillars of the Earth fiction or NF?

StaffPicks said...

I could talk your head off with this one. Kite Runner as Corey mentioned is up there. I think I cracked a tooth reading The Hours (Cunningham); the Poisonwood Bible, Lonesome Dove. On the kid side, I love Gordon Korman's On the Run, Everest, Island, Dive, etc.

Robin Mellom said...

Fat Kid Rules the World
The Lovely Bones

That's two. Sorry!

Can't wait to see what other suggestions you get!

Corey Schwartz said...

No, 1000 Suns is a second novel, but NOT a sequel. MCs are both female.

Pillars of the Earth is fiction. 1000 pages and I was sad it wasn't LONGER!

Lovely Bones is impossible to put down and definitely haunts you.