Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Very Own Debut Album

Christy alerted me to a really fun little thing, that Suzanne also posted about, so I figured I'd continue the trend by putting up a debut album of my own.  My band is named METACROCEA, and our first album is entitled, "Powerless to Vex Your Mind."

Do your own!

1 -Click here: The first random Wikipedia article you get is t he name of your band.

2 - Click here: The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Click here: 
ht tp:// third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Assemble it in Word, Photoshop or and post a link to it!


Casey Something said...

Turned out good! I did one too! Does that mean we're trendy? Ha!

Tyler said...

Haha, I think so! But I'm perfectly fine with that :).

StaffPicks said...

I got Minors and Abortion. No Kidding. I'm quitting. Besides, I can't sing anyway.

Katie Anderson said...

Okay - My band is "Junior High School." And the album is "You are sure to stumble over something."

The cover was an armored truck!

Crazy fun!

Corey Schwartz said...

Yeesh, I got "A Young Girl in 1941 with No Waist at All". Quite a band name!

Tyler said...

Paul, don't give up on your dream! Did that Young Girl have a name, Corey? That's an odd wikipedia entry, lol.

Katie, those all work together perfectly! Haha, it's amazing how well they work out at times.