Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coming Soon: My Website!

So it turns out super bowl commercials really do work.  

After seeing godaddy being advertised, I decided it's high time I started my own author website, and proceeded to buy www.tylermcbroom.com.  Well, it's been since then and I've had wayy too many troubles with trying to get the stupid thing up and running.  Either godaddy's hosting programs aren't that compatible with macs, or I'm just REALLY bad with this kinda stuff.

Now I'm going the easy route.  I cancelled my hosting service with godaddy, and purchased a mobileme account through mac, which (in addition to some other nice features) does it's own hosting.  It's taking a couple hours to activate through my real domain name, BUT I can offer you a little sneak peek here.

I hope you like it!


Katie Anderson said...

It's Awesome Tyler! I just did mobile me too!